A Comparative Review of Ayatollah Ma'refat and Alusi's View about the Verses of Divine Providence and Will

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate professor of department of sciences of the Holy Quran and hadith, University of Qom,

2 Corresponding author, PhD student of sciences of the Holy Quran and hadith, University of Qom,


The verses including divine providence and will have caused theological disputes due to their external differences. Ash'arite commentators regard these verses as proof of determination. One the contrary, Imamiyyah commentators believe that the extensiveness of divine providence and will does not negate free will. In his works, Ayatollah Ma'refat has scrutinized these verses. He regards the term "providence" mentioned in the Holy Quran as a special term resulted from divine wisdom, and interprets most of the verses related to divine providence and will accordingly. Alusi, an Ash'arite commentator, has also referred to divine wisdom and man's free will in his commentaries of most verses related to divine providence. Given their works, the present paper compares their views in order to find their similar and different views and approaches in this regard. It also compares their exegetic views in the dimensions of linguistics, theology, and exegetic method, and criticizes Alusi's views.


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