Comparative Study of the Wisdom behind Creation of Satan from the Perspective of Allameh Tabatabaii and Fakhr al-Razi

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Sciences, University of Qom;

2 Ph.D. student of Islamic Education The Orientation of Islamic Theoretical Foundations of Qom University -


According to the Quranic teachings, the purpose of creation is worship to God and journey in the righteous path. However, it may seem that the creation of Satan who is never set on the right path and prevents human being from achieving his destination is absolute evil and against wisdom. Allameh Tabatabaii holds that fulfilling the purpose of creation, that is worship of God, relies on perfect universe based on which every creature with whatever potential it has plays its role in a status which is determined for him. Thus, the function of Satan is to prepare a situation for the examination of mankind through his temptation so that true humans can ultimately achieve pillars of perfection and salvation. Therefore, there is no absolute evil in the perfect universe at all. On the other hand, Fakhr al-Razi does not regard the purpose of human creation relying on another cause. In his view, the purpose of human creation is not actually his perfection through worship to God because in this case God would need a medium to give blessing to a creature while He can bless whoever He pleases, needless to any medium and He is not asked in His acts. Hence, it cannot be said that the existence of the perfect universe is essential. By this theory, Fakhr al-Razi sets aside divine wisdom and the righteousness of divine acts.


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