Guidance is a divine wont with different effects and results due to its stages. Man passes several stages, degrees and waystations of perfection in the way of guidance in a cosmic and definite journey in order to reach his highest stage of perfection. Each of these stages which are evident in man's journey necessitates its unique position accompanying him in his existential journey to the final stage of perfection. Succor is another divine wont which accompanies guidance and refers to factors and relations due to which God guides his servant towards His satisfaction and prevents him from sins. The present paper compares and evaluates Allamah Tabatabaii and Ayatollah Ma'refat's views about guidance and succor as two divine wont, and their relationship.
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hisseini sherg, F. S., & gharavi, S. (2017). Guidance and Succor in Allamah Tabatabaii and Ayatollah Ma'refat's Exegetic Views. Comparative Interpretation Research, 3(2), 185-204. doi: 10.22091/ptt.2018.2700.1283
fatema sadat hisseini sherg; saeedeh gharavi. "Guidance and Succor in Allamah Tabatabaii and Ayatollah Ma'refat's Exegetic Views". Comparative Interpretation Research, 3, 2, 2017, 185-204. doi: 10.22091/ptt.2018.2700.1283
hisseini sherg, F. S., gharavi, S. (2017). 'Guidance and Succor in Allamah Tabatabaii and Ayatollah Ma'refat's Exegetic Views', Comparative Interpretation Research, 3(2), pp. 185-204. doi: 10.22091/ptt.2018.2700.1283
hisseini sherg, F. S., gharavi, S. Guidance and Succor in Allamah Tabatabaii and Ayatollah Ma'refat's Exegetic Views. Comparative Interpretation Research, 2017; 3(2): 185-204. doi: 10.22091/ptt.2018.2700.1283
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