Investigating the Reflection of confrontation with modern Western civilization in the rational-social approach of two interpretations almanar and almizan

Document Type : Academicm and Research


qom university


The rational-social approach to the interpretation of the Quran, in the last two decades, has emerged in the wake of the emerging challenges of the Muslim community in the era of recession with modern Western civilization. Social commentary is an interpretive interpretation of the functionalist approach and with the ideal of processing the mighty face of Islam to advance society everywhere and everywhere. The confrontation with the modern-day Western civilization from the prominent features of the emergence of social interpretation is a worthy place in the attitude of the social commentator to make an effective and effective face of Islamic consciousness. This approach has reflected in the interpretation of al-Marwārba a feature of the social interpretation of Valmizan as one of the most significant of these interpretive tendencies.
Al-Manar's commentator, in order to represent the wise and profane face of Islam in coordinating the Qur'anic teachings with Western civilization, tries hardly to rely on his own wisdom and the material conceptions of supernatural truths, and to adapt certain Islamic laws to the norms of the western world of advancement from his compatriots. Take it. But al-Mizan, having benefited from pure wisdom, has transcended religious knowledge from the realm of its own wisdom. In his social approach, he also considers the origins of the present-day Western civilization to be incomprehensible with the monotheistic foundation of Islam; he also addresses the challenges of Islamic rulings against the defensive and reactionary base of Al-Manar as the fundamental achievements of the thinking of Western civilization. Ultimately, al-Mizan is more successful in treating the great, efficient, and dynamic face of Islam against the modern Western civilization in measuring Al-Mana


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