A Study of the Impact of Clues in the Variation of Tafsir-Oriented Approaches: Evidence from the Quran Tafsirs of Ayatollah Sadeqi Tehrani and Ezzat Daruzah

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 PhD student of the Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Kashan

2 Assistant professor of the Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Kashan, (the main writer of this paper)

3 Associate professor of the Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Kashan



Received: 2020-05-31   |   Accepted: 2020-09-27
 The historical-analytical outlook of a survey of the emergence and evolution of Quran tafsirs indicate various hermeneutical approaches coupled with the interpreters' various qualifications and characters. It has been so effective that the coming of various interpreters and their modern tafsirs are followed by various and variable elements in appreciating the meanings of the Holy Quran. Now the noteworthy query is as follows: What is the source of the differences in understanding the Holy Quran? A wide range of answers have been given to this query. These answers are functions of the very text of the Holy Quran and/or the character of the Quran interpreters. However, the main hypothesis of this paper is that one of the causes of such discrepancies pertains to the differences of the interpreters over the differences that pertain to appreciation and tafsir of the Quran as emanating from the interpreters' approaches to the tafsir clues. As both Ayatollah Sadeqi Tehrani and the Sunni scholar Muhammad Ezzat Daruzah have adopted an ijtihad-based outlook to interpreting the Divine verses, the present paper draws upon Ayatollah Sadeqi Tehrani's book al-Furqan fi Tafsir al-Quran bi al-Quran wa al-Sunnah, and Daruzah's al-Tafsir al-Hadith. It indicates that various tafsirs emanate from the interpreters' approaches to the tafsir clues.

© Khedmatkar Arani, K; Fahimi Tabar, H.R; Rastegar Jazi, P. (2021) A Study of the Impact of Clues in the Variation of Tafsir-Oriented Approaches: Evidence from the Quran Tafsirs of Ayatollah Sadeqi Tehrani and Ezzat Daruzah. Biannual Journal of Comparative Exegetical Researches, 6 (12) 259-282.  Doi: 10.22091/PTT.2020.4780.1654


The Holy Quran
The Holy Quran, original Arabic version.
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