A Comparative-Critical Study of the Immateriality of the Soul from the Exegetic Views of Fakhr al-Razi and Allamah Tabatabaie

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Prof. and academic staff member of the Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom

2 Academic staff member, Ulum va Maaref-i Quran-i Karim University

3 Ph.D. candidate, Islamic Theology, University of Qom; Fourth Level seminary student, Comparative Exegesis (corresponding author)


Some thinkers believe that Fakhr al-Razi’s silence regarding the immateriality of the soul shows that he considers it to be material; whereas, one can conclude the immateriality of the soul from his words and views. However, Fakhr al-Razi’s explanation differs from that of other philosophers such as Allamah Tabatabaie. Thus, the present article compares the views of these two great exegetes of the Islamic world through a descriptive-analytic method, critiques their views, and raises the authoritative view. There are three views regarding the matter of the immateriality of the soul. Some consider it to be material. The second group has regarded it to be immaterial and the third group believes in two dimensions of the soul. In the action dimension, it depends on matter, and in the essence dimension, it is immaterial. What can be analyzed from the works of Fakhr al-Razi is the immateriality of the soul in both essence and action. In contrast, Allamah Tabatabaie presents the best view and proves through verses of the Quran and logical and rational arguments that the soul is essentially immaterial; however, in terms of actions, it needs matter because if it were immaterial in the action dimension, it cannot be joined with the physical body in this material world.


Main Subjects

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