The Effect of Rhetoric in Verses of God’s Imagined Corporeality according to Interpretative and Formalist Exegetes

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Ph.D. candidate, Comparative Exegesis, College of Theology, University of Yazd.

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, College of Theology, University of Yazd

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Jurisprudence and Law, College of Theology, University of Yazd.


The correct interpretation of Quranic verses, especially those with ambiguous meanings depends on the utilization of various sciences and fields among which the exegetes have always paid attention to rhetoric. Now, the main question is what is the difference between the two approaches of interpretation and formalism in assigning a role to the science of rhetoric and its techniques in understanding God’s intent, especially in verses regarding imagined corporeality and its analysis? The approach of this study, which is based on library studies and describes and analyzes the approach of the exegetes in verses regarding imagined corporeality and motion, is that in explaining this group of verses the interpretative and formalist exegetes have acted in two ways and each of them has assigned a role to rhetoric and especially to allegory in explaining and justifying their own views in the interpretation of verses especially verses of imagined corporeality and, in continuation, attention or indifference to the science of allegory as a pillar of rhetoric principles and laws has lead to the two approaches of interpretation and formalism in the exegesis of verses. Moreover, the number of literary views of the exegetes who agree with the interpretation does not arise from their different exegetic understanding of these verses; rather, the variety of rhetorical principles and laws produced from the literary views of exegetes is one of the discussions that has been argued to avoid the corporeality of God.  


Main Subjects

Holy Quran
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