A comparative study of the interpretation of Khums verse from the viewpoint of Zamakhshari, Sheikh Tabarsi and Allameh Tabatabai

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Assistant Professor of the Department of Philosophy, University of Qom



One of the issues that needs to be discussed is the Khums verse stated in Surah Anfal verse 41, because it is very important for the poverty reduction of the society, it is necessary to discuss the obligation of Khums and its accessories and rulings for every researcher in Fiqh. In this brief article, with regard to the above verse, we are trying to compare the views of three great commentators, Jarallah Zamakhshari, Sheikh Tabarsi, and Allameh Tabatabai, on this issue, and reveal how much they have in common and how much they differ on this issue. have an opinion The issue was analyzed in a descriptive and analytical way and in general, it can be said that all three commentators consider the obligation of khums in war spoils as wajib. But otherwise, the owner of the interpretation of Keshaf does not consider it obligatory; Tabarsi has almost gone his way, with the difference that he said that it is possible for our companions to argue about the appearance of the common practice of booty and spread it in other ways, but the meaning of his words is ultimately the same as Sahib Kashaf stated. Allameh Tabatabai believes that khums is obligatory and necessary in addition to war spoils.


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