A comparative study of the concepts of verses 27 and 31 of Surah Mubaraka Hajj in the Quran and the Holy Bible

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate Professor of Theology Department, Farhangian University tehran iran

2 Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 Islamic studies farhangian un Tehran Iran

4 Tafsir and sciences of the Qur'an Al-Mustafa International University mashhad iran


The issue of gathering in God's house during the appearance of the savior is an issue that has been discussed in the Holy Quran and the Holy Book, but this common issue has important differences in terms of quality and details. The issue of pilgrims going to God's house and idolaters' abduction from it is one of the issues raised in verses 27 and 31 of Surah Hajj. In which singular or rarely used words such as: "Zamer", "Faj", "Amiq", "Yetkhtaf" and "Sahiq" are used. The reason for using these words should be found in the root meaning of these words.It is possible to understand the meaning of these words and the meaning of "Etian Hajiyan" and "Khatf Mushrikan" by using the method of comparative study and historical semantics and etymology. The historical semantics and etymology of the mentioned words show a clear connection between Hajj in the meaning of motivation and divine rule and the promised appearance. In Surah Hajj of God, it states the basics of the formation of the motivation and the intention of the promised help in the implementation of the divine government, which include; Rationality in worldview, seeking justice, love and humility, religious identity, public interest.


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