What is the relationship between "Al-Jannah" and God (As-Saffat/158) based on the opinions of commentators

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith Studies, Quranic Sciences and Education University, Maragheh Faculty of Quranic Sciences, Iran



The commentators have presented two meanings of "Al-Jannah" in verse 158 of Surah Safat (wajaalwa binnah wa binna al-jinnah e nasbah). Most of the commentators consider it to be angels and the compatibility of the literal meaning of "paradise" with the fact that angels are covered with external senses is the reason for this interpretation, according to this The point of view is that there is a father-daughter relationship between God and the angels. Another group of commentators consider the appearance of the word "Al-Jinnah" and consider it to mean jinn, and they believe that some polytheists believed that God and jinn had a conjugal relationship. The present research, by using library sources and statistics, examining and analytically evaluating the arguments of the parties, intends to explain the type of lineage mentioned in the verse in addition to analyzing the meaning of "Al-Jannah". The findings of the research show that most of the commentators' arguments in determining the choice of the meaning of angels are defective and weak; However, the context of the verses is consistent with the meaning of jinn, and other verses of the Qur'an also refer to the belief of polytheists in the marriage of jinn and God; The existence of narrations from the followers, the dignity of the revelation of the verse


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