A comparative study and analysis of the views of the commentators of the two sides about the verse

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Faculty of Theology

2 Sciences of Quran and Hadith



The verse 6 of Surah Al-Ahzab, "And relatives are more deserving of each other..." has been interpreted in various ways in different commentaries. This study examines six viewpoints regarding the implications of this verse from early centuries to the present: 1) Some consider it an abrogation of inheritance due to migration and faith, asserting that it pertains to the inheritance of relatives; 2) Others, rejecting abrogation, interpret the verse as pertaining to the inheritance of relatives and clarifying the motherhood of the Prophet's wives; 3) A group believes the verse indicates that proximity to the Prophet is a condition for succession; 4) Another perspective categorizes succession conditions as faith, migration, and kinship; 5) Some derive a general meaning from the verse, encompassing both inheritance and conditions for succession; 6) A theory also interprets the verse as having multiple meanings, indicating both inheritance and guardianship. This research, employing library-based methods and content analysis, explores these viewpoints and, based on existing evidence, refutes the theory of abrogation. Consequently, it concludes that the sixth viewpoint is closer to reality in terms of implications.


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