Comparative Study of the Problem of Absolute Determination in Fakhr Razi's Tafsir al-Kabir (the Large Commentary) and Allamah Tabatabaii's Tafsir al-Mizan (the Criterion Commentary)

Document Type : Academicm and Research


The problem of absolute determination and free will is one of the oldest theological discussions in the world of Islam, caused by contemplation and reflection on Quranic verses. Regarding the interpretation of these verses, Muslim commentators and theologians have been divided into two groups of determinists and libertarians. Fakhr Razi, a prominent Ash'arite theologian and commentator, has made great attempts to prove the theory of absolute determination. One of the most fundamental parts of his theory is the affirmation of absolute determination on the basis of the interpretation of Quranic verses. In his arguments, Razi tries to prove that free acts are determined through arguing that God is the Unique, Creator and Maker and that his knowledge attaches to free acts. Given Allamah Tabatabaii's intellectual principles in al-Mizan commentary, some of these arguments suffer internal inconsistency and are negated by verses proving man's free will. Regarding God as Creator and Maker does not necessitate the determination of man's acts, because God has created man free and His knowledge attaches to doing acts freely.



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