Comparative Commentary: Terminology and Typology

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Professor at Allameh tabataba'i University


The development and efficiency of the method of comparative studies in the field of human sciences and studies on religions have made this method enter into the field of commentary as well. Using this method in interpreting the Quran is not limited to theorizing about comparative commentary and highlighting its necessity; rather, it has caused designing an academic course with the same title. It is, however, necessary to conduct a critical research on different interpretations of comparative commentary and the future course of this new academic course in order to be able to lead it in a way that would result in its much more efficiency and systemization through eliminating deviations. The present paper addresses two fundamental issues in the field of comparative commentary, i.e., terminology and typology. In the case of the former, this paper seeks to clarify the nature of comparative commentary through analyzing and criticizing its present perceptions. In the case of the latter, it seeks to identify the position of comparative commentary in the system of classification of the Quran's commentaries.
 Ensiyyeh 'Asgari[1]
Mohammad Kazem Shaker[2]

[1] PhD student of comparative commentary, Qom University, corresponding author,                  

[2] Professor at Allameh tabataba'i University
Date Received: 2015/8/20, Date of acceptance: 2015/11/16


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