The verses related to the attribution of sins and specific sins to the Prophets have always been a point of contention among the commentators of the Holy Quran. Verse 121 of Surah Taha is one of the controversial verses in which the two verbs "disobedience" and "going astray" are attributed to Adam (pbuh). In this regard, the main question of this research is whether the verbs "rebellion" and "astray" in the case of Adam (pbuh) should be carried on their apparent meanings, or Naziz should follow the path of complex interpretations and inconsistent with the appearances of the verse in the interpretation of the verse?
This research was carried out in an analytical-comparative way and the result is as follows: in the verse in question, not only there is no solid evidence to interpret the apparent meanings of the verbs "disobedience" and "misdirection" in the case of Adam (pbuh), to the meanings claimed by some commentators; Rather, it can be inferred against many confirmations in proving their apparent meanings as the main purpose of the speaker's words.Of course, it should be noted that the sins of the prophets should be measured according to the dignity of the authorities and the severity of their afflictions, and to attribute it to the sins of the common people is a wrong judgment.
Javanmard, A., & Moaddab, S. R. (2025). Adam's disobedience and misdirection from the point of view of Shia and Sunni commentators; Commentary on verse 121 of Surah Taha. Comparative Interpretation Research, 10(2), 1-24. doi: 10.22091/ptt.2024.9347.2232
Ashkan Javanmard; Seyyed Reza Moaddab. "Adam's disobedience and misdirection from the point of view of Shia and Sunni commentators; Commentary on verse 121 of Surah Taha". Comparative Interpretation Research, 10, 2, 2025, 1-24. doi: 10.22091/ptt.2024.9347.2232
Javanmard, A., Moaddab, S. R. (2025). 'Adam's disobedience and misdirection from the point of view of Shia and Sunni commentators; Commentary on verse 121 of Surah Taha', Comparative Interpretation Research, 10(2), pp. 1-24. doi: 10.22091/ptt.2024.9347.2232
Javanmard, A., Moaddab, S. R. Adam's disobedience and misdirection from the point of view of Shia and Sunni commentators; Commentary on verse 121 of Surah Taha. Comparative Interpretation Research, 2025; 10(2): 1-24. doi: 10.22091/ptt.2024.9347.2232
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